Summer Camp

Child’s Name:(Required)
Child’s Date of Birth:(Required)
Parent/Guardian Name:(Required)
Parent/Guardian Name:
Student’s Address:(Required)

Summer Camp is available for ENTERING Kindergarten – EXITING 7th grade students

Non – Refundable Registration fee $55.00 / family

Return this form with: Reg. fee, 1st week in full PLUS a $10.00 deposit for each additional week.

Weekly Camp - 7:15 am – 6:15 pm - $190.00 PER WEEK

Initial each week you are choosing for your camper(Required)
*Closed June 19 & July 4*


I understand that by signing this application and placing a deposit for any or all weeks of camp,

I am committed to paying for the weeks selected whether or not my child attends. There are no refunds once I agree to place my child in a week.

Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY
If parents cannot be reached in an emergency, the following person should be contacted:(Required)
Phone #
Alternate Phone #
Phone #
Guardian Phone #


One Shirt Included With Registration - Additional Shirts $15.00 Each.

*Shirts are only available while supplies last. Later enrollments may not receive a shirt*


Photo Release

will mark the space below to grant or not grant permission of photos of my child to be used in the manner below.
Use still photos in promotional materials(Required)
Display still photos on facility’s website(Required)
Display in facility’s bulletin boards, show to current and prospective clients(Required)

Field Trips



agree to register my child for summer camp and understand the policies outlined on this application. I agree to pay all tuition for each week(s) chosen by me. I understand all payments will be charged through the app LineLeader. Check payments have a processing fee of .60 and credit/debit cards are charged 2.9%.
Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY